SmartEvo™ Inmate Telephone System

If you are a friend or family member of an inmate and are looking for assistance with setting up a telephone Prepaid Collect or PIN Debit account, please create an account at or contact our customer care center at 1-727-349-1561 for assistance.

Man on Telephone

Imagine a World with 100% Phone Revenue...
a Complete Inmate Technology Platform...
and Zero Expense...

SmartEvo™ — Proven, Reliable, and 100% Commissions

This complete calling solution is the most proven inmate calling system in corrections and includes an industry first 100% revenue back to your agency. With calling platform deployments for decades, both domestically and international, the Smart Communications SmartEvo™ calling platform has the longest running track record in corrections. Secure inmate account management, call connection, monitoring, recording, and customer service/technical support and call center.

Important features include:

Why Did We Get into the Phone Business?

Tired of the commission games and false technology promises made by current ITS providers? So are we! Smart Communications enters the ITS industry to end the games.

Smart Communications total communication platform includes phones, tablets, kiosks, visitation, messaging, MailGuard® postal mail elimination, and more. Zero cost, low call rates, low user fees, total transparency, and 100% phone revenue to the agency.

Smart Communications acquired the most proven inmate calling platform in corrections and is reinventing inmate communication. As the true innovator in corrections technology, we don't need the phone revenue to operate. Instead, we pioneered new technology and generate new streams of revenue while maximizing facility automation, security and revenue.

No other vendor can offer 100% phone revenue, because no other vendor has technology that performs to the level of the Smart Communications technology package.

Interstate & International RTC

The days of smoke and mirrors are over, Smart Communications is the new industry leader. Are you ready to take your inmate communications to the next level?